Policy for Appeals

Procedure for Appeals
Appeals should be initiated within 5 working days of the issue of the decision being appealed, subject to extenuating circumstances (for example, serious illness).
- Following notification of the decision, the process concludes. No further appeals process is available within the College.
- The appellant (person making the appeal) submits the appeal to the President using the appropriate form. The appeal submission should include:
- A completed appeals application form
- Verifiable evidence which addresses the appeal criteria
- The appeal must be accompanied by a fee of €100 which will be refunded if the appeal is successful.
- The President assesses the application for appeal to establish if it is complete and meets the grounds for an appeal as per the College’s Policy for Appeals.
- If the President deems that there are no valid grounds for appeal, the appeal is rejected, and the appellant notified.
- If the President deems that the grounds for appeal are valid and the application is complete, they give approval for the Appeals Board to be convened, in accordance with the provisions in the policy above. The President appoints the External Chair and notifies the appellant.
- Should the appellant seek to present in person to the Appeals Board this must be indicated on the application for appeal form, alongside a rationale for presenting in person. The External Chair of the Appeals Board will decide if there is merit in the appellant attending in person.
- The appellant is notified a minimum of three working days in advance of the meeting of the Appeals Board and is provided with a copy of all material provided to the Appeals Board by the External Chairperson. This communication also responds to any requests by the appellant to present in person to the Appeals Board.
- The Appeals Board meets to review evidence, agree findings and determine a fair resolution. The Appeals Board may, at its discretion, invite persons who may have evidence or information relevant to the matter being appealed to attend. The appellant is advised of any person the Appeals Board meets by the External Chairperson.
- If the Appeals Board upholds the appeal, consideration is given to the implications of this. The Appeals Board may adjourn to consult with the Board of Directors or take legal advice as required. Following a final decision (and any associated recommendations), the External Chair will communicate the decision and the rationale for its decision.
- If an appeal pertains to assessment or academic matters, the External Chair will communicate the decision to the Academic Council (without providing personal information), the Head of Faculty and the appellant.
- If an appeal pertains to non-academic matters, the External Chair will communicate the decision to the Head of Faculty, the Executive Management Team and the appellant.