Marks and Standards
1. 1 Introduction
This Marks and Standards Section complies with QQI’s Assessment and Standards, Revised 2013, and specifically reflects QQI’s Sectoral Conventions for Assessment.
The document reflects the College’s policy in respect of Assessment and Standards and describes how this policy and associated assessment regulations and academic procedures are implemented for all College programmes leading to QQI awards.
The Marks and Standards section does not replace the Quality Assurance Manual or other policies and procedures relating to assessment but rather complements them.
Examiners must familiarise themselves with the Marks and Standards and the QA Manual and learners are strongly advised to become familiar with the essential procedures as they apply to their studies.
The document is subject to review and, from time to time, may be revised and updated with the approval of the Academic Council.
The assessment of learning is a complex process. In the context of College programmes, assessment of learners entails appropriately and experienced qualified persons making inferences about a learner’s knowledge, skills or competence. This is always based on appropriate evidence, and evaluations are criterion-referenced, meaning they are made with reference to pre-defined standards.
The College is committed to operating assessment methods that:
- Are fair and consistent and align with relevant award standards determined by QQI.
- Are effective in measuring the students’ attainment of the intended learning outcomes.
- Provide feedback to the learner enabling the learner to improve their performance.
- Contribute positively to the total learning experience and in particular to achieving the intended learning outcomes.
- Encourage creativity and originality where appropriate.